Brand Find: Zaful
Being a photographer I’m always on a look out for great locations, backgrounds that I can use for my shoot. And the more I look around , the more I realise how less I have seen Bangalore. Lets be honest, most of our time goes into commuting to work and back and very little do we know about the pretty corners of our city. All … Continue reading Brand Find: Zaful

Fashion Editorial: Poetic Hues
I spend my life capturing beauty and telling stories with my pictures. And of all the beautiful things I’ve seen in the world nothing brings me more joy than capturing faces and expressions. Whether I am capturing an extremely shy bride on her wedding day or shooting a super confident model during a fashion shoot, I feel there is always a story and thats what I wish … Continue reading Fashion Editorial: Poetic Hues

When I designed a Camera Bag
Its a long story but I am going to make it short for you guys!! 6 months back I met the lovely founders of Hydes Studio – Ramya & Hari over coffee and we discussed everything from travelling, running our own business, fashion, coffee and HANDBAGS (Hydes Studio makes some stunning leather handbags)! And keeping your interest in mind, I am going to elaborate one … Continue reading When I designed a Camera Bag

Weekend Getaway: Shreyas Yoga Retreat
I just need to get away. How frequently does this thought come to you? I love my work and there are days when I am at it for over 14 hours. I do not realise that I have just not taken any break. And this is the point where one needs to pull away for a little break else it will start to feel like we were on a … Continue reading Weekend Getaway: Shreyas Yoga Retreat

Fashion Editorial : Finding Herself
within her mind she is dreaming of an escape for it just oscillates back and forth between the negative and positive landscape existing in extended silence and acquainting herself with the earth beneath her feet she runs fast over leaves and jump over the breeze gliding hands through the grass and waiting for her thoughts to pass each color of the sunset is etched in her mind but … Continue reading Fashion Editorial : Finding Herself

There’s always something very exciting about seeing what new colors, patterns, and silhouettes will emerge season to season, from the runway to the stores of our favourite brands. But at the end of the day, it’s the basic pieces in our wardrobes that get the most attention — that perfect white T-shirt, comfortable black booties, and go-to jacket. These are the buys that don’t change so … Continue reading Timeless

New IT Bag – Raff
Your bag can be the first thing someone notices about your outfit. And, although you may already have a trusty everyday bag, you wouldn’t say no to giving your trusted companion a well-deserved hiatus to make room for something new. Our accessories deserve a summer break, too, right? Talking about one such handbag brand you should invest in right now. If you follow my blog posts, I rarely … Continue reading New IT Bag – Raff

Luxury Find: Reebonz
Do you regard your bag as a what-choice-do-I-have and CARRY it, or do you feel it is a true accessory and WEAR it? I often wonder in which category I fall. Sometimes I feel lazy to move my stuff from one bag to the other and just carry the last bag that I used. I always have so much stuff that I could never go without one. It’s … Continue reading Luxury Find: Reebonz

Blending In with H&M
Stepping into an H&M store, it’s hard to know where to begin. It has the perfect mix of affordability & diversity. Do you start at the basics and the denim? Or the “trendy” pieces and gorgeous accessories? Or maybe, you’ve tracked down this one particularly gorgeous skirt that you have been seeing all over on pinterest/internet and are ready to run in, grab, and go. Either … Continue reading Blending In with H&M

Photo Essay: Cats of Istanbul
Before I went to Turkey, had someone asked me whether I am a dog or a cat person, I would have taken no time to say Dog. After seeing the cats of Istanbul , its not the same any more. Istanbul is famous for its ancient history, beautiful architecture and fantastic food, but people who have been there would would agree that one of the most memorable … Continue reading Photo Essay: Cats of Istanbul