I am in Jammu which means I have access to Mom’s Boutique and workshop 🙂 I bought this kutch embroidery fabric from an artist in Janpath (Delhi) and have been wanting to make a clutch out of it. The colours are bright and make me happy. Here is a quick tutorial for this DIY Clutch. It is primarily like making a zipper pouch but with a prettier fabric 🙂


  • Main Fabric for the clutch
  • Fabric for lining the clutch
  • Fabric scissors
  • Sewing maching (heavy duty)
  • Denim needle for sewing machine
  • Coordinating thread
  • Heavy duty zipper
  • Ruler
  • Pen or Marker
  1. Begin by looking at your fabric and deciding which part(s) you would like to see as the front and back of your clutch.
  2. Cut your fabric along with the lining to the desired size leaving 1/4 inch extra for the seams.
  3. With right sides facing each other, line up the fabric and sew along the top and 2 sides, creating a giant pocket of sorts. When you reach the bottom of the sides, pull back the fabric 1/4 inch and finish out the stitch (see bottom left pic).
  4. Trim corners at an angle. This will decrease bulkiness in the corners of the clutch when you turn it inside out.
  5. VERY CAREFULLY flip your clutch inside-right so the front parts of the fabric are now on the outside. Push out each corner gently using your finger and press around the edges of the clutch to flatten it.
  6. Fold the clutch over ‘hot-dog’ style and finger-press the lining at the top so it tucks behind the canvas. This is your only unfinished edge so far.
  7. Line up your zipper at the top of the clutch, leaving a bit of space before the zipper starts.
  8. Carefully begin sewing the zipper to the top part of the clutch. Since you are sewing through  canvas, fabric, and a zipper, I reccomend a larger standard sewing machine .Sew until you’ve reached nearly the end, again leaving about 1/3 inch before the end of the top. This leaves space to tuck in the zipper later and to sew along the sides of the clutch.
  9. Repeat this process on the opposide side to attatch the other side of the zipper. Remember to leave 1/3 of an inch on each end of the zipper so you have room to sew up the sides.
  10. Now sew along the 2 sides of the clutch, creating an enclosed space. This is little challenging as it will be your thickest layer to sew through.
  11. I stitched an extra fabric on top to make a long pocket (Its optional)
  12. I attached a few pom-poms to the zipper to give it a little boho look


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What do you think of this DIY clutch ? I would love to know.
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