3 Fresh New DIY Ponytails

Ponytails used to be for the gym- remember?  Then they became the stylish way to hide a bad hair day! But the truth is that in spite of how much we like styling our hair, we all love the comfort of a ponytail. If not for an occasion, you will typically see me in a messy bun or a ponytail.  Confession- I am currently a little obsessed with these neon rubber bands I found in a local fancy store. I have been trying different ponytails with these rubber bands and its so much Fun. Last time I experimented by adding a ribbon to my hair  (Post Link) and it turned out to be quite a chic accessory.

So go ahead and indulge! There are endless ways to style your ponytail: wear it textured, straight, high, low, perky, sleek , with one rubber band or many 🙂 


Neon Rubberbands ponytail
Here is what I have been upto 😀 
double ponys


Got totally fresh take on the tail? I would love to know. Connect with me on   or  

::Photographed By::
Ravi Kaushik 

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