Chic Way to Wear a Simple Ribbon in Your Hair

Summer has reached its peak and that means you can no longer step out without your hair sticking to the back of your neck. I am sure the thought of chopping your hair off would have crossed your mind a zillion times already. As I have long hair, they easily get greasy with sweat and dirt, making the hair limp and dull. So a messy … Continue reading Chic Way to Wear a Simple Ribbon in Your Hair

Summer Special: Make your own Aloe Vera Gel

It’s funny how we find it convenient to just head to a cosmetic store and pay money for chemical based products while the best natural skin care ingredient actually grows in our backyard. The secret is in the transparent, juicy substance contained in the thick leaves of Aloe Vera, the Aloe Vera Gel. If you have severe acne, dry skin or any kind of skin … Continue reading Summer Special: Make your own Aloe Vera Gel